Bryan Hamby

DRE: SA530087000

(602) 758-3123
(480) 443-7400 (Office)

Sellers & Listings

Day after day I continually monitor the MLS for properties Buyers may be interested in and to keep full time involvement with market trends and pricing.

So many times I find homes listed by agents with the absolute worst photos someone can possibly take and utilize to sell one's properties.

When you choose me as your listing agent, I not only utilize the professional photographers of Rocketlister but I will also add professional FULL COLOR FLYERS, Door Hangers, your homes very own property website, Virtual Tour, Craigslist and Backpage Ads along with a Text For Info Sign Rider which allows us to capture all potential Buyers information looking at the property so we have direct communications with the interested public.

Homes with these elements added sell for higher dollar amounts and faster!!

Contact me anytime to request a sample. [email protected]