Tina Maeda

DRE: 01437407

(949) 202-9232
(949) 753-7888 (Office)

Buy your home


Buying your home is one of the biggest events of your life.

First, investigate the area of your desire to live.

KIn order to so, you can search Demographically and Geographically, you will search the internet also looking into recent sales of the houses and photos of the area.


The reason I recommend hiring your Buyer's agent because to find the risks of your buying property and its transaction process.


The listing agents are tent to obligate to the owner's desire, in order to so the listing agents have convinced the buyer how the property owner manages the selling transaction.

If you hire the buyer your agent protects you from the control by the listing agent.


Therefore, let start to find the price of the house you can afford to consult with the loan agent


However, I will provide all of above information once you will contact me.

you will save time to search areas, schools, financial questions, and Buying process all in one.


Please contact me I will get your best affordable dream home.