Dennis Barrett

LICENSE: FA.040045999

(303) 513-2340
(303) 858-8100 (Office)

SRES - Senior Real Estate Professional


As a Senior Real Estate Specialist, I help individuals and families understand the options and opportunities that best fit  an aging home owner. 


We all get older, and our life and our needs change as we do.   Each individual and or couple's needs change, which is frequently difficult.  Inwardly we all never want to get older and many have a very strong desire to stay in the home in which they raised their family, while others look at the big picture and realize that they may be better off changing their home to something requiring less work and money. 


Things to consider:

  • What are my retirement needs?
  • Amount of effort and money required to maintain desired life style as one approaches and  enters retirement.
    • Can I better afford to retire
      • if I stay where I am with no mortgage?
      • If I use my equity to pay for a smaller or a different home?
      • Note: in some cases a reverse mortgage can be a solid vehicle to help if evaluated with clarity.
  • Location in relationship to children, family, and friends
  • Location in relationship to required medical needs.
  • Location in relationship to hobbies, desired activities, and social life.


As we continue to age, and possibly have declining capacities, additional issues may need to be considered:

  • Can I receive the additional care while staying in my home?
  • Financially, do I need the equity in my home to assist for my care?
  • Does my care begin to require more constant care? What are the options?


Another issue that is frequently a concern is leaving an inheritance:

  • What can I reasonably leave to my children and what do I need to leave for special needs?
  • How can I structure my legal situation to leave what I can effectively with the minimal burden to those left behind?


Aging without planning, leads to severe discomfort and disappointment, as well as disputes between family members, and possibly disputes between you and them. 


Having a clear vision of where you are, what you want, and how to get the most of it is really important for aging satisfaction.   I have gone through this with family, and observed it with others as well as having been trained on many options and resources. 


If I can do nothing else to help you, let's have a conversation and see how I can help you with your vision.