Allison Manning

LICENSE: 2017003110

(440) 907-0888
(440) 578-8058 (Office)


I am a licensed REALTOR® in the Northeast Ohio area helping families make smart moves. Buying or selling, down-sizing or up-sizing, investing or flipping. I can help you make educated decisions that serve your best interest!

Having spent over a decade in the hotel and travel industry I place a high value on service. Which is why it is my goal to make your experience as enjoyable and seamless as possible! Real estate is a journey, and one that requires great skill, communication, trust and experience. 

I am a local resident of Mentor, OH. Happily married to my college sweetheart, we have two children and are parishioners of St. John Vianney's Church. Northeast Ohio is such a great area to live, to invest in and have fun! Every time I think I have seen it all, I discover a new place, a new neighborhood, a new restaurant. Our area is growing and thriving, it is a fun time to be a Clevelander.  I know you will love it as well. I can't wait to help you with your next real estate journey your in the great CLE area!

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