Georgy Ayala

DRE: SA522458000

(602) 625-9485
(602) 230-7600 (Office)

Georgy's Blog

Life By Design

Posted On: June 29th, 2017 1:22AM



It’s been a while ????   let me first start by apologizing for a horrible job of keeping in touch lately. As the long awaiting summer vacation has arrived I find myself busier than ever especially with family doctor appointments, dentists, eye docs, etc. Self-employed career also means designated driver and deliverer to daytime appointments, and I wouldn’t change it for the world! Recently, a good friend and I joked I am constantly working on ‘Georgy 2.0’ and that couldn’t be truer. I’m not sure if the amount of my reflectiveness is healthy or crazy but I often reflect and asked myself how can I improve. How can I be my fun and crazy self with not losing credibility or trust? Let me tell you it’s a difficult balance, to showcase my professional sales skills while keeping my sense of humor and relaxed attitude. How can I be 100% devoted to the needs of my family but still 100 at my real estate career? I’m still a work in progress and I started to think about it and maybe, just maybe; many of my friends, colleagues, might also struggle at balancing who they are, with what they have, and what they have to conquer just like me. It dawned on me I might not be the only one who struggles with this, the struggle is REAL! A few years ago, I read a book that I want to share. Life By Design by Tom Ferry. This is a fantastic read all about 6 steps to an extraordinary life, not living by ‘default.’ Instead, living life by design, being intentional with every move. Currently, I’m in my third read go ‘round with this book. Check it out!

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