Team Lucas - Rayce and Kristen Lucas

DRE: 00753197

(530) 368-2375
(916) 993-8680 (Office)

About Me

Hi, this is Rayce & Kristen Lucas of Team Lucas at HomeSmart. Thank you for visiting our site. With over 60 years of doing just about everything in real estate-from sales to financing, appraising,  underwriting, marketing, asset management, flipping houses and training agents, we have never enjoyed what we do more than right now! We love real estate and the pleasure and satisfaction it gives us when we witness, a gratifying smile on our friends faces as we close another successful home purchase or sale.  We are your advisor, advocate and partner in selling or buying a home. We could not have this much fun without great friends letting us help them.

If you need someone you can trust in your corner please go to our website and sign up for a sit down and chat time, it’s free. or call us at 530.368.2375 or 530.305.2071 and let’s put a plan in play for you! Look forward to chatting with you!