Joni K. Craig

DRE: 01424552

(619) 549-8082
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Joni K. Craig's Blog

Going GREEN with Joni: Powerful Plants!

Posted On: October 4th, 2017 7:47AM

In addition to being both beautiful and affordable, common houseplants can greatly improve the air quality in our homes, schools, and workplaces.  Studies have proven that interior plants:


  • Reduce carbon dioxide levels

  • Increase humidity

  • Reduce levels of pollutants, including nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, and other VOC’s (volatile organic compounds)

  • Produce oxygen

  • Reduce airborne bacteria

  • Decrease airborne dust levels

  • Lower indoor air temperatures (reducing the need for air conditioning, which saves both money and energy)


What’s more, when plants were added to a large workplace in India, researchers found that employees experienced significant decreases in eye irritation, headaches, respiratory conditions, lung impairments, and asthma!


Some of the most effective air cleaning plants are the Areca Palm or Chrysalidocarpus lutescens (best in the living room), the Mother-in-law’s Tongue or Sansevieria trifasciata (best in the bedroom), and the Money Plant or Epipremnum aureum (helpful anywhere).  And, of course, the more the better!

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