Bonnie Briglia

DRE: 02016319

(619) 540-4243
(619) 255-9600 (Office)

About Me

Bonnie is a California native, raised in Arizona, who returned to California in 1985 to start a successful service business that has evolved into one that brings peace of mind to out-of-town home-owners.  Thirty years of working with home-owners and contractors means she brings a wealth of knowledge to the Real Estate business.


Bonnie is the mother of two grown children and learned, as a single mother, to appreciate all that San Diego has to offer.  From the beach and Downtown, to East County and the mountains, and down the other side into the desert she and her family have done it all.  She has been known to be walking on the beach in Coronado in the morning, hiking in the Laguna Mountains in the afternoon and Jeeping in Ocotillo Wells to see the stars at night, with a little geocaching ( a techy scavenger hunt game) thrown in along the way!  Don't be surprised when you call her if she answers the phone from some mountaintop or out playing in the sand in some desert wash.  She likes to say--Life is short, do it all now!!


Even if you are not in need of a realtor right now, follow Bonnie on social media as she loves Photography and regularly posts photos of her adventures online--yes, even the dreaded food photos!!

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