Vicky Hubbard

LICENSE: FA.100003031

(720) 837-0542
(303) 858-8100 (Office)

Real Estate Tips

BUYER TIPS:  Buying a home requires patience and hard work. Here are a few tips to help you through the process.

Identify your needs and wants. Find a location, what neighborhoods do you like? Drive through and look around to see what might available.  What style of house do you want?  How many bedrooms, bathrooms, do you want a 3 car garage, large yard, fireplace?  Identify what you must have in a home and does this fit within your budget?

Now its time to look on-line and see what might be available in the areas you want to live.  Secure your realtor for help and advise.

 Find a lender and make sure you get a pre-approval for a loan.

Your realtor will set up homes to see, write a contract, negotiate your offer and get your contract approved.

After getting a contract in place you will want to set up a home inspection, your realtor will help you. The next step is getting an appraisal for your new property.

Now its time to close on your new home!



SELLERS TIPS:  Homes are selling quickly but you still need to do your due diligence to create a home, buyers will love.

Prior to listing your home, address your finances, identify how much equity you have in your home and your future plans. Decide on timeframe for selling. Budget for pre-listing improvements.

Consider a price point for your property.  Your realtor can help you with this by showing you recently sold homes in your area.  Pricing your home competitively is a must.

Consider the best time to sell.  In many areas spring is always a good time to get a good value for your home.

Consider home improvements. Do you want to do the minimal to prepare your home for the market, painting, cleaning, organizing or do you want to update a few items?  Kitchen appliances, new flooring, updated master bathrooms, can put you ahead of other sellers in receiving top dollar for your home. Also consider adding systems that create a “greener home.”

Curb appeal is a must. Consider trimming bushes and trees. Power wash driveway and plant seasonal flowers. First impressions are very important.

The next consideration is staging your home.  Buyers expect to see a clean well kept home when touring your house. Remove personal items and declutter. Pack those items you won’t be using between now and the sell of your home. You want a buyer to be able to see themselves living in their new home. As your realtor, I will bring in a professional stager to help with the basics.

You and your realtor are now ready to market your property for a quick sale.

Prepare for moving, consider your timelines.  Be prepared for possible repairs to fulfill your contract.