Lavonda Ballage

LICENSE: FA.100031565

(719) 243-4947
(303) 858-8100 (Office)

About Me


My name is LaVonda Ballage. Being a realtor for the last 10+  years has been a joy!  Realating to people is one of the most important parts to the puzzle called real estate. Sometimes the puzzle comes together rather easily, this is great!!! However when the puzzle is a 1,000 piece jug saw puzzle, I am there to help "make sense" and put everything in place.

I am a busy mom with 5 children. 3 boys and 2 girls. We are blessed!!!!  The passion I bring about my kids, sports, gardening and decorating, I bring to real estate.

I am a colorado native and  pride myself in knowing about activities that are available to families that a free or of little cost. Yes, this makes me a spend thrift, but I own it and am proud of it. LOL