Aubrey Burkhart

LICENSE: FA 100314008

(303) 916-2296
(970) 644-5002 (Office)

Real Estate Tips

Before you start the search for your dream home, get to know these important tips for buying a home for your financial situation and lifestyle. Follow these tips for a more successful and satisfying home buying experience. 

Manage your credit score:

Take the steps to ensure your credit history is as clean as possible. A few months before house hunting get coipes of your credit score and fix any problems you discover. Your credit score is key in applying for a Mortgage and make sure all your payments are made on time. 

Save for a down payment and Earnest Money:

The majority of loan programs are going to require a minimun down payment. Think of Earnest Money as a deposit. Almost all Seller's are going to require this once you go under contract on your dream home. This is typically 1-2% of the purchase price.

Get Pre-Approved:

Getting pre-approved with a lender will save you the grief of looking at houses you can't afford and put you in a better position to make a serious offer when you do find the right house. Most Seller's will require a prequalification letter from a Mortgage lender with any offer that is submitted. I suggest shopping around and getting three different opinions from different local lender's to see which company has the best loan program and rates. 

Real Estate Agent:

You don't have to be selling a home to utilize a Realtor. As a buyer, you can choose whomever you want to represent you. The selected agent will narrow down and show you properties of interest within your price range, negotiate on your behalf, and even better... the seller pays the Buyer's agent! 

Home Inspectors:

I HIGHLY reccommend getting a home inspection done from a licensed professional. This is a Buyer's cost, however well worth a couple hundred dollars so you know what you are walking into. If something major arises throughout the inspection a Buyer has the right to object to these items and ask the Seller to fix or reduce the purchase price. 

Buyer (That's YOU!)

While many people play a role in your home buying experience, don't forget to check in with the most important person- you! Ultimately, deciding to buy or pass on a new home is all up to you. Assess how you feel about the process before you make a commitment, before you sign on the dotted line- Are you prepared for the purchase? Do you feel pressured to make a fast decision? is this where you want to live for the next few years? 


Hopefully this helps give some insight on the buying process! Happy house hunting!