Cassandra Owen

LICENSE: FA.100049438

(480) 773-4185
(303) 858-8100 (Office)

Moving Checklist

Moving Checklist

credit: New York Times

• Arrange for sitters for young children and pets on moving day.


• Other addresses to change: driver’s license and insurance cards (for yourself and your car if you have one). Also, make sure your prescriptions are changed to a local pharmacy or will be delivered to your new address if you get them by mail.

• Keep packing, but make sure to leave out what you’ll need on moving day, and anything else essential if it will take a while for you to be reunited with your stuff. Also, make sure those items are in luggage or boxes clearly marked “DO NOT MOVE.”

• Change or halt newspaper delivery and any other regular deliveries.

• Confirm the date and time of the move; discuss any changes because of possible bad weather, and what the company will and won’t take (plants are rarely moved, and they probably won’t take your fireworks either). If you’re moving into a building, confirm the elevator and parking situation.


• Pack up the food you’re taking with you. (For nonperishables you’re not bringing, donate them to a local food bank.

• Make sure your luggage and the “DO NOT MOVE” boxes are far from what the movers are taking.


• If you can, plan to be with the movers while they load the truck. Take whatever you consider nonreplaceable or too valuable to move with you (jewelry, wedding photos, your children), along with the documents you will need at the closing or move-in and the payment for the movers, plus tip. The American Moving and Storage Association recommends $10 a person for a half-day move and $20 per person for a full day.

• Sweep up behind you, and do one more check of the house, including the basement and attic.