Nico Mattorano

LICENSE: FA.100050135

(720) 545-5590
(303) 858-8100 (Office)

My Blog

My birthday, a day of Gratitude!

Posted On: April 27th, 2022 4:41AM

I was just blessed with yet another birthday.  Birthdays, in general, are not exciting to me but the icing on the top is that I get to spend it with my amazing family!  My husband never fails to make me cry happy tears and he made my day 110% special. Thank you, PJ! I spent a little time thinking about all the time that has passed us by, and so quickly too! Despite all that has gone on in our crazy world I still have my relationships, family, friends, and love and passion for what I do.  My world is just full of blessings! You all know that I've been a REALTOR for nearly 9 years now and I never imagined that I would still be here. It is truly because of my friends and family that I have been such a success with it.  I just felt a huge sense of gratitude to all of my clients who, for the most part, I now call my friends. The majority of my business comes from repeat clients or are gracious enough to refer their friends and family to me. I just want to thank you and I want the whole world to know!


PS:  I would love to have coffee again.  Send me a message!


Nico, your friendly neighbourhood REALTOR

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