Anya Morton


(208) 206-8154
(208) 521-1868 (Office)

About Me

Anya was raised in Southeast Idaho before moving to the Florida coast. She graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and a Minor in Business Administration. She was also selected to compete on the University’s International Business Case Competition Team. She studied abroad in London, England and has traveled throughout Europe, Canada, and Russia. She enjoys traveling, hiking, fishing, and spending time with friends and family.

Anya has experience working with first-time home buyers, short sales, bank owned properties, and investment properties. With a background in professional recruiting, she commits to delivering excellent customer service and communication throughout your transaction. Integrity and transparency are her top priorities.

Whether you are looking for your first home, second home, or next investment opportunity, she looks forward to serving you in the greater Idaho Falls Area!