Tom Mullen

LICENSE: 471.009915

(847) 980-5797
(847) 495-5000 (Office)

My Blog

Buying in the Fall and Winter Can Be to Your Advantage

Posted On: October 19th, 2017 6:03PM

Typically, most buyers gear up for purchase in the Spring and Summer. Most sellers put their home for sale in the Spring and Summer to catch the most buyers because these buyers compete with one another with the same goal in mind, to ‘find their dream home’. Multiple offers and fierce competition drives the price up in the Spring, sometimes as much as 5% or more. That's a lot of money to be paying for timing.

That's why purchasing in the fall and winter, has its advantages. Homes usually are priced more competitively by sellers, because they want to get them sold by the end of the year. As a buyer, you can avoid stress and disappointment by staying away from multiple offers, which drive the prices up ridiculously.

Also, since there are less buyers out there, the sellers are pricing their homes more reasonably, and are usually more negotiable. This can result in a savings of 5-10%, depending on your price point. 

Put my 38 years of negotiating skills to work for you. The time to buy is NOW, so give me a call and we will find you a great home at a great price! I have 4 listings that are waiting for a buyer right now.

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