Joanne Metz

LICENSE: 475.102563

(708) 502-2127
(773) 985-7700 (Office)

My Blog

New Home Tips

Posted On: December 25th, 2018 1:45AM


New Home Tips


Most people buy resale homes, or homes that have previously been sold. But another option is to buy straight from the builder.  

Most people think that buying a new home is out of their price range, but it can be an affordable option; it is worth exploring. 

Here are three ways new homes can save you money.

Lower taxes: Property taxes are based on the value of the property from last January. For example, if you start building a home in June 2019, the taxable value of the home is from January 2018. At that time the property was just a lot, which has less value. Less value means less taxes for you and a lower payment until the home is assessed.

Warranties: Since everything in the house is new, pretty much everything is under warranty. This will help with costs should anything go wrong in the first 5-10 years of ownership, especially with big items like HVAC systems and the roof.

Energy Efficiency: New homes usually have energy star appliances, double-pane windows, lots of insulation, as well as other energy saving items. This can have a huge effect on the total cost of ownership since your utility bills will most likely be less than in an older home.

Keep in mind, buying a new home has different contracts, timelines, and requirements than purchasing a resale. I have experience in this area and guide my new home purchase clients with care and attention.

Do you have questions about a new home purchase? Curious about new developments in your area? Get in touch, I’d love to share my expertise and market knowledge with you.

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