Erin Robertson

LICENSE: 305780

(919) 414-5264
(919) 583-7711 (Office)

About Me

I have always been a "people person".  Before becoming a realtor with HomeSmart, I was once a full time labor, delivery and NICU nurse!!  As much as I adore moms and babies, I also LOVE houses, all kinds of houses, new houses, historic houses, rural farmhouses, urban condos, and on and on!! What I've grown to love even more than the houses are the people I help buy and sell those houses.  My job is to be an advocate, to alleviate some of stress and hopefully make buying and selling a home kind of a fun and exciting process.

Additionally, I have a college background in architecture and design.  I tend to draw on that background and frequently offer clients ideas about design and home renovations.  That may mean discussing a modest redesign or updates to a seller's home to create the most profitable listing for them.  It may mean helping a buyer redesign a potential purchase to create a more individulaized space that makes a property an even better fit.  Using my creative lens to view properties has proven extremely valuable to many of my clients. One investor client takes me to each property not only as his realtor, but also to pick my brain about design before he purchases and renovates. What an honor!

Since 2018, when I took the leap into real estate, I have been more successful and happier in my work than I thought possible. I have helped clients sell and buy homes across the Triad, the Triangle and the coast of NC!  The more I see homes and properties through my creative eyes and the more I stay true to my helping heart, the more I succeed in real estate!  

Over the years, whether my professional role has involved supporting a person or family through a real estate transaction, a big move, a home renovation, through labor and birth or even helping with the transition of bringing a baby home from the NICU, I have invariably offered the same level of caring support, guidance and my lifetime of expertise to any one of my clents or patients. I plan to continue to offer that same helping hand to many more people and familiues for many years to come!!