Clarissa Hust

LICENSE: 2020004493

(440) 212-0312
(440) 578-8058 (Office)


Why Work With A Real Estate Agent- Buyer

We think real estate agents are worth working with instead of going at it alone. Here is some quick info for you to read!


The Ten Commandments of Buying a Home

Buying a home is stressful. Read 10 commandments to make this process less stressful! :-)


Dave Ramsey's Homebuyer Guide

Want to get some great advice from someone who knows a lot about real estate and about personal finances? Then this resource is for you.

This is Dave Ramsey's Homebuyer Guide.



Homebuyer Checklist

Do you have a picture in your mind for that perfect home? Of course you do, but how do you make that happen with so many factors that would make it perfect?

Well here is the answer. The Homebuyer checklist. We like to call it your "Wish List". read it over, check off what you want and send it to us and we will search it up! Have fun with this one!


Working With A Real Estate Agent- Seller

We think real estate agents are worth working with instead of going at it alone. Here is some quick info for you to read!


Before You Dig!

Before you dig up your yard for something small like a for sale sign or for something a lot bigger like a total yard excavation, contact Ohio's 811 services first!

They will come out and locate all your utility lines that are buried underground. They'll flag them and or pain markers so you know where NOT to dig!

Be safe and call first!


Real Estate Agents Talents

You hear it all the time; "You should work with a real estate agent". We're sure that is usually coming from a, you know, real estate agent, LOL.

Well here is some good information for you about an agent that we think you will find interesting. There are also a separate articles under the "Buyer Tips" and "Buyer Tips".
