Tom Floyd

LICENSE: 139914

(509) 366-6948
(509) 371-9085 (Office)


Tom entered the Real Estate industry with business experience that spans almost three decades.  Moving from his home town of Great Falls Montana in 1992, it did not take him long to realize that, with the beauty and diversity of the Tri-Cities, he had found his new home, the place that he could put down roots and build his life!  Finding his soulmate in 1998 has kept him grounded in his pursuit for a better life for themselves and others. 

After fully restoring the house Shari owned when they met, Tom and Shari built their own home, working as the general contractor, electrician and finish carpenter/tile layer. 

Tom has given back to his community, volunteering for several charities, he gives of himself as a member of Pasco/Kennewick Rotary and has rediscovered his faith in joining the Bethlehem Lutheran Church family.