Jennifer Oliveros

DRE: 01900465

(714) 204-7750
(949) 753-7888 (Office)

Jennifer Oliveros's Blog


Posted On: June 12th, 2020 10:25PM

The First steps for any big life decisions such as getting married, going to college, or in our case, buying your first home or even a second home is savings?  Are you saving enough?  A simple rule of thumb is to pay yourself fist before anything. Pay yourself first by putting aside at least 10% of every check into a savings where you will earn interest. Then after you have put some money aside for your goals, dreams, retirement and future plans, pay your bills and lastly with any money left over, you go and have fun! 


Most of our society does life and money management backwards; they spend their money by having fun, buying that nice car, purse, shoes or buy that coffee drink first as a reward, then they pay their bills and if there happens to be any money left over, they save. By the time all of the fun and bills have been done, there is no money left. 


Over 80% of the world out there then resorts to spending on borrowed money and charging their credit cards for that emergency that came up such as, oh no! I need new tires, but I cannot afford to by them cash, lets use our credit card. Oh gosh, I can't belive it, my washing machine just stopped working, or I have a water leak? What to do, charge that card!


That is a vicious cycle that must be broken, and it comes first and foremost by changing our mindset into thinking ahead and doing things the unconventional way. Trust me, by changing your mindset and paying yourself first, you will find that you actually have a lot more money to spare and will still be able to enjoy your life, only with a little more cusion saved to back you up.  Instead of a stack of credit card debt waiting for you, you'll have that financial peace of mind because you paid yourself first. 


Think a money market account or any other investment vehicle where you can earn interest to fit your particular savings and risk tolerence level.  If you would like to get a personal plan put together for you and your famly on how to get started to saving more for your future. Just feel free to let me know. I have some great referrals for you, where a licensed financial planner can put a complemetary game plan together for you. We are in this together and as your trusted first choice Realtor for life, my goal is to assist and bring more value to you and your family with any of your financial needs. 





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